Please read before filling out the nomination form: 

*The nominator is the person nominating someone for the Adelante Awards. 

*The nominee is the person being nominated for the Adelante Awards in one of the 10 categories. 

These are reviewed by a blind committee, please provide as much detail in your response as the winners are selected based on a points system off this nomination form.  The content helps in the script preparation as well, therefore we urge you to be thorough.

All nominees must attend the Adelante Awards Gala on Fri., May 9, 2025, to be considered for an award. (One ticket will be provided to the nominee. A discounted ticket may be purchased for the nominee's spouse - who will sit with the nominee at a special table of honor. Please note that this is a fundraiser.) 

Nominator Information

Nominee Information

  • This includes small business owners or individuals who have created a brand, company, etc.

  • This includes individuals who volunteer and serve their community, church, etc.

  • This includes educators in public and private education, or in support areas of education - counselors, etc.

  • This includes active military, Veterans, and first responders serving in public safety (Fire, police, EMTs, etc.)

  • This includes professions including medical, legal, or any high-profile degree careers/professions.

  • This includes college students, or young men rising in their careers and community involvement.

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